Let me help you grow your business by nurturing your people
My name is Adam Fawcett and I am a succesful entrepeneur and business leader.
Throughout my career in B2B sales, performance management and senior leadership roles, I have discovered and harvested many different formula's for success.
Effective Mentoring is designed to help you grow your business, by sharing my many years of success and to help you take your business to the next level. I will endevour to:
Increase sales by training and mentoring your sales staff
Assist in recruiting the best talent
Teach operational staff simple and proven sales performance techniques
Increase performance based self esteem
Become your trusted business advisor
Dont just take my word for it....
"Without Adam, it is fair to say, I probably wouldn't have made a career in sales"
"I was fortunate to learn the ropes of the managed print industry under Adams guidance and have climbed the ladder at my company to become a Senior Account Manager"
"I wouldnt hesitate to recommend Adam as a mentor for any salesperson. Adam had a way of instilling confidence in me whilst also providing me with values and standards that are now ingrained"
"Adam's attention to detail and skill in coaching has an appreciation for the psychology of a sale which are really second to none"
"Despite having flown the nest and being out in the sales world on my own for a good few years now, Adam is still my first port of call for any advice or a listening ear"